
Cybersecurity Essentials for Senior High School STEM Students

With the development of technology worldwide and the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, pursuing a career in Cybersecurity is in demand. So, to prepare for success in this profession, learning the cybersecurity essentials for SHS STEM strand students can guide you with your studies. As a Senior High School student, you are uniquely positioned to…

ABM students studying together

What are the Best Senior High School Extracurricular Activities in the Philippines?

Between classes and homework, what does your SHS student do? While online senior high school in the Philippines focuses on developing students academically and professionally, they cannot learn everything in the classroom. It’s equally important to give students an avenue to explore new interests outside of the classroom. Doing so can help them unwind, build…

senior high school students

What are the Common Problems of Students in Senior High School and How to Address Them?

Senior high school is a complicated time for many students. They are on the brink of a new chapter in their lives and they are still learning and growing. While online senior high schools in the Philippines offer the best possible education to students, students inevitably face some challenges as they strive to complete their…

students taking computer science

The Computer Science Strand Will Prepare You for a Tech-Rich Career!

Among the many courses in college under TVL, taking on a BS Computer Science course after senior high is one of the best decisions that you can make for the advancement of your career once you finish your schooling. Graduates of ComSci go on to pursue fulfilling careers with a vast landscape of opportunity here…

woman fixing the plating of a dish

Discover the possible jobs for TVL students to plan your future!

Stepping into senior high is one of the most nerve-wracking decisions for any student. After all, your track determines plenty of your life’s next steps. From the college courses you will take to the kind of jobs you can pursue; your choice of track can shape the course of your future. However, there are some…

TVL student

Choose the best course in college under TVL for you!

Choosing the right course for college starts with choosing the track during senior high school. Students enrolled in the Technical Vocational Livelihood track during their senior high school education may enjoy the benefits of the TVL track such as earlier employment opportunities and better marketability in the workplace, but that does not mean that there…

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